
That's Just Sad...

When X. let Hobbes (one of our cats) out into the yard for a wander on Saturday, he got into a scuffle with a squirrel and lost. X. claimed it was more of a draw, as both parties eventually fled in opposite directions, but I'm inclined to agree with Mal's assessment of the situation.

"You've got a predator, you've got a prey animal. Only one of them should be running away, and not the one with the sharp teeth and claws."

I'm just glad he's never been afforded the opportunity to chase after one of the local rabbits, which are even bigger and probably a lot nastier.


Ah, it is to laugh...

Man... the things you miss when battling the Western Mongolian Hacking Death. I only just heard about this yesterday - to think I could have been basking in the warm fuzzy glow of some major schadenfreude all week. Still, better late than never.

Let me be clear - I am well aware that university is the last place where you can indulge in serious binge drinking without suffering any more significant consequences than the simultaneous precipitous decline of your GPA and your bank balance. I majored in philosophy, after all. But philosophers, engineers, political science majors, and nurses (just to name a few faculties infamous for party-animal tendencies) generally don't engage in this sort of behaviour at a $300.00/night hotel where you're supposed to dress up for dinner. Considering these people have to wear suits to class, you'd think they could be relied upon to behave a little more decorously in public.

Mind you, given what I've seen of the private sector (especially anyone involved in sales, and especially during Stampede), I suppose I shouldn't really be all that surprised. I'm sure a lot of business deals are negotiated in favour of whichever party is better able to hold their liquor. Honestly, the people I feel most sorry for are the police, who really have better things to do than chase down a bunch of drunken idiots; the other hotel guests, who were probably having a nice quiet mountain holiday before the management students showed up; and the hotel staff, who are in all likelihood still cleaning vomit out of the carpet and steaming pot smoke out of the drapes.

And then people wonder why the service sector is chronically understaffed?


Lesser of Two Evils

Is it just me, or does anyone else think there's something fundamentally (no pun intended) fucked about the fact that Ted Haggard (president of the U.S. National Association of Evangelicals) would prefer to have people think he's a tweaker than think he's gay?